Anti Fade
TERRY - Call Me Terry LP
Five years on from the last record, “I’m Terry”, the Australian four-piece welcome their new album.
Terry is made up of Amy Hill, Al Montfort, Xanthe Waite and Zephyr Pavey who formed in Mexico City in 2015 after seeing Trotsky’s deathbed. Seven years, four albums and four 7's later, you can now “Call Me Terry”.
Over the past few years, Terry has kept busy with writing and recording “Call Me Terry” and alternating side projects, including Constant Mongrel, The UV Race, Primo!, Sleeper and Snake, Chateau, Rocky.
Lyrically, in true Terry fashion, the record wastes no time in scrutinising Australia’s corrupt, colonial history. They sing it loud and sprawl it across the jacket of this record, highlighting the greed, privilege and entitlement of white, wealthy “Australia”.
Musically, “Call Me Terry” has the classic Terry punk sound; four vocals singing as one, sharp guitars and quirky synths, rolling bass and drums. But the sugar on top here may just be some of their finest horn, string and piano performances to date – all of which never feel crowded, cluttered or over-involved. Rest assured Al still gives his famed Fuzz Factory a workout – and throws his tremolo into the pedal chain. It goes off.
Since day dot it’s been hard to reference a band that really sound like Terry. Truly a sound of their own! Listen to what Terry has to say.