Vinyl Lovers
OS MUTANTES - A Divina Comédia Ou Ando Meio Desligado LP
Highly recommended.
So much of the appeal of Brazilian music lies in its seemingly complete ignorance of rock 'n roll principles. The Mutantes' debut album was guitar music that had not yet eaten the fruit from the tree of rock 'n roll pretension. Whimsical, magnetic, and intoxicating, Os Mutantes simply created fantastic music devoid of all preconception about what their music should like.
By their third album, Os Mutantes had doubtless 'learned' much about psychedelic music. The fact that this album is as incredible as anything they released before is evidence of the fact that Os Mutantes were the hardest working band in Brazil.
The Baptistas, Rita Lee, and the rest of the Mutantes created an album in the wake of rock 'n roll, strove to strike a balance between influence and ignorance, and did so brilliantly.
While their music in 1970 was no doubt indebted to many influential western bands, it still embodied the aforementioned abandon that was quickly falling from American and British psych. so, historically and conceptually speaking, this album is good.
It’s music that's so forward-looking it honestly was not recreated for decades. You thought you were done rocking but Os Mutantes are pretty sure you're not.
Infinite replay value, endless fun.