Finders Keepers
SAM SPENCE - Sam Spence Sounds: American Alien's Moog Landings On German Spacerock 1970-1976 LP
Samuel Lloyd Spence is a peculiar piece in the komplicated krautrock puzzle.
As an American expat working in a community of German rock musicians in the early 70s Spence shared his alien status with the likes of David Johnson and Malcolm Mooney (Can), Carole Muriel (Brainticket), Maria Archer (Embryo), Bill Barone (Wallenstein) and the band Sweet Smoke, but in Spence’s case it wasn’t the free-love and communal living that attracted him to Germanic pastures – Spence’s European travel plan was academic. Over a decade earlier Spence had travelled from California to Paris to study “serious music” composition at the Ecole Normale de Musique with the great composers Arthur Honegger and Francis Poulenc where he conducted alongside Jean Fournier. After settling in Europe he would later make his way to Austria and later Germany in search of a supportive community of symphony orchestras to help him develop music for film and television.
A comp of Sam's library music efforts from the 70's. Mostly old-school electronic tracks, some of which are nice mood pieces, and some of which are short synth blips and bloops.