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AMOS & SARA - Invite To Endless Latino LP

War Extension

AMOS & SARA - Invite To Endless Latino LP

Highly recommended.

Alga Marghen present a reissue of Amos & Sara's Amos & Sara... Invite To 'Endless Latino', originally released by It's War Boys on cassette in 1983. From anonymous: "Overhead comes this thrum-thrum-thrum. They look up to see a plane circling just off the island. The door facing them opens and out pop two figures, tumbling down into the water. Lazily, without a care in the world, the plane turns north and flies away. Of course, the guys start up the boat and head off to investigate. What just happened? Who jumps out of an aircraft at that height? In the water, they find two women. Both dead. Here's the strange thing. Both the bodies, they beat up pretty bad but not only that. They both badly burnt. . . . I really got started on this thanks to my cousins, Luis and Ramon. My cousins are collectively known as Los Rubios. It ain't a family name. . . . You heard of Bahia Blanca? My cousins, they run a small boat out of the harbour there. Shark fishing. That's their thing. Back then, we're talking '76, it was just starting to take off. . . . One day they're out on the boat. That particular day, they didn't have no takers so they figure they'll take the boat out anyway. Hake, gatuzo, squid -- fishing to fill their own bellies. That's when they hear the plane. Luis and Ramon race back to port. Pretty soon, a big crowd gathers. The harbour master comes running. 'Ai, ai, muchachas,' he groans. 'This is a bad business. Seguro, a very bad business. You boys poking about in the hornets' nest. Why you not leave these women to the sharks?' While the Rubios are protesting, the local inspector arrives. He is angry beyond belief. He dismisses the harbour master and the crowd of onlookers with violent curses. . . . Overhead, in the place inhabited by saints and angels, a gentle half-hearted bossa starts up and then grinds to a halt. The silence is broken only by the sound of a shaker -- it could be a rain stick -- being crushed underfoot. And you will find me there at length, all the life in me rising like a wraith into the noonday sky, a dragonish mist that forms a garment for each of us to wear as we dance to Endless Latino!"

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