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COSMIC GROUND - 5 LP (colour vinyl)

Deep Distance

COSMIC GROUND - 5 LP (colour vinyl)

Limited edition "Galaxy Yellow / Black" smoky colour vinyl.
Highly recommended. 

The on-off project for Electric Orange's electronic maestro Dirk Jan Muller, and LP 5 here, is simply incredible. Three super heavy, deep mind-splitting kosmische space jams - heavy as ever on leanings towards the famed Berlin school sound, but also nods to the heavily echo drenched sound of Gunter Schickert, and 'Inventions For Electric Guitar' era Manuel Gottsching. This truly is that good.

First track 'Girls From Outer Space' has perhaps a more tuneful feel to previous releases, and recalls early period Emeralds or some Oneohtrix Point Never; but builds across greater mind frying intense peaks before descending into a gentle Popol Vuh like serenity. 'Compact/Space' continues the pace, clocking in at almost 10 minutes of rising and spiraling beautiful, dark analogue deep space drones. Consisting the entire length of side 2, 'Operation: Echo' does pretty much what it says on the tin, an incredible echo drenched cosmic tour-de-force heavy on the intense sequenced vibe of prime era Schulze/Tangerine Dream, arcing outwards and upwards in sheer intensity and whacked out kosmische/psychedelic ambition.

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