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Anti Fade


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On their first album in 5 years, Parsnip explore both the inner and outer realms of consciousness with quick wits and some seriously quality jangle and jolt.

'The Light' is a whip smart workout, sprouting naturally from the propulsive nature of their debut album 'When the Tree Bears Fruit' (2019). 'Placeholder' is also devastatingly honest and channels The Field Mice as it buries itself like an arrow into your heart.

The production is ambitious, with 12-string and acoustic guitars, percussion, piano, saxophone and harmonium all sitting comfortably in these outstanding songs. Drawing comparisons with Dolly Mixture, Sara Goes Pop and Look Blue Go Purple, Parsnip are an animated ensemble, full of life, emotional complexity and humour. The laughter in the dark is real, but then the sun comes up and we all must meet the day. Even the flowers turn their faces. Behold!

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