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Includes d/l code. 
Limited edition of 500 copies. 
Highly recommended. 

Pyrit is the solo project of Swiss German Thomas Kuratli. This first album is the musical expression of an original literary project: the story of a journey into the body—dissolving into the universe and transforming into an extraterrestrial machine. Recorded in an abandoned parking lot, it is full of ideas and vivid emotions while definitely pushing the limits of the one-man band. Kuralti creates soundscapes of a deserted concrete-world, full of destruction and loneliness. Sometimes there is a glimpse of hope, sometimes there is not. The music is simultaneously loud and fragile, complex and simple, and always evolving. Navigating between electronic psych, gaunt blues and the soundtrack of a weightless film, he exposes himself by donning the costume of a disenchanted crooner in search of the ultimate slow.

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