Anti Fade
RMFC - Club Hits LP
Limited edition foil sleeve.
Highly recommended.
"As egg-punk continues to dominate the nerdy, anti-machismo, art-inclined side of underground punk, it has expanded and solidified as a (relatively-speaking) popular style. Usually that includes a goofy, larger-than-life irreverence: see the on-stage props of Uranium Club and the massive paper-maché finger puppets of Snooper, inspired not only musically by DEVO but by their creation of a bizarro aesthetic world unto themselves as well.
Sydney’s R.M.F.C., however, take a different tact, as their entire existence seems to be predicated on the magic of the guitar and the transcendent riffs they’ve created. They’re fully in service of the guitar here, with no room for pranks, crude drawings, gags or even any overt personality – the guitar of singer-songwriter (and drummer?) Buz Clatworthy eclipses any other aspect of the group.
And by god, it’s the best egg-punk I’ve heard since Coneheads bestowed it upon us! Clatworthy’s riffs are immaculate, frantic yet precise, downright genius… I have to wonder if he was raised on Eddy Current and Mozart exclusively, as there’s no other explanation for his idiosyncratic riffs. “Access” appeared on an earlier single and remains his masterwork, but tracks like “Spectrum”, New Diversion” and “Human State” operate on the same elite stratum, not bearing the alluring level of identity as Buzzcocks and Wire but dare-I-say as technically dazzling." - YGR